And the wait is over! Vijay's much awaited Velayudham, directed by Jayam Raja, has received a clean U certificate from the Censor Board yesterday. Bubbly girls Hansika Motwani and Genelia are the leading ladies. This mass entertainer stars Genelia, Hansika and Saranya Mohan, Santhanam, M.S. Bhaskar, Sathyan, Pandirajan and Sayaji Shinde in pivotal roles. According to director Raja, Velayudham will be a non-stop rollicking mass movie with all commercial ingredients packaged to provide maximum entertainment. The buzz is that in a bid to hit out at Vijay's detractors, there will be many punch dialogues in this film produced by Aascar Ravichandran. Vijay Antony's peppy mass songs have already topped the charts and with Vijay's electrifying dance moments the film is sure to be a box office hit.